The Littles "HOW TO WRITE" Book


This 232 page handwriting book was created specifically for the youngest of children who are learning to form letters for the first time. 

After working with young children for 25 years, we have learned that young children experience less frustration with learning to write when they learn with these tools & tips:

1) Learning to write letters based on groups of letters that follow the same direction, instead of following an A-Z order.

2) Giant size letters: this is easier for young children to trace since they are still learning to hold a writing utensil in their hands, and getting used to that process.

3) Colorful - instruction of "rainbow letters" using multiple colors to repeat the exercise.

4) By incorporating our Expressive Letter characters, children are more responsive to do the work on the pages. 

Bonus Tip: After tracing a letter, fill in the letter with a smiley, angry or sad face to make this even more fun!  Children love to be silly and create!

Side note: It's important for children under the age of 4 to use fat paint crayons or very thick markers, before transitioning to thick pencils.

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